AdaamArtStudio_op43.jpg Op.43
Enamels on canvas cm.80x50

Beppe_Marchetti_op16_70x70_2012.jpg Op.16
Enamels on canvas cm.70x70

I wanted to explore the movement and energy that flow through me, like a river that never stops. 

AdaamArtStudio_op29.jpg  Op.29
Enamels on canvas cm.85x60

This image features a concentric circular pattern that evokes the idea of a vortex, yet it conceals the intention of a mandala. 

AdaamArtStudio__37.jpg Op.37
Enamels on sack canvas cm.106x76 

The artwork presented is an abstract composition created using enamels on canvas. The initial visual impression is that of a dynamic explosion of lines, colours, and shapes interwoven in apparent chaos, suggesting a pulsating, vibrant energy. The technique employed recalls the style of dripping, famously associated with abstract expressionism.

BeppeMarchetti_op44.jpg Op.44
Enamels on canvas cm.60x50

Beppe_Marchetti_18_13_70x70.jpg Op.18
Enamels on canvas cm.70x70

Beppe_Marchetti_35.JPG Op.35✨
Enamels on canvas cm.80x60

AdaamArtStudio_34.JPG Op.34
Enemels on canvas cm.100x70

This artwork, created with enamels on canvas, invites a deep reflection on perception and reality.

AdaamArtStudio_17_12_70x70.jpg Op.17
Enamels on canvas cm.70x70

BeppeMarchtti_op38_pulcinoelefante.jpg Op.38 
Enamels and hardware on cotton canvas.
Artwork divided into 30 small canvases and included in edition no. 9759 Publisher: Pulcinoelefante (Osnago-LC)



Beppe_Marchetti_5_2014r.jpg Op.33 
Artwork composed of 30 canvases, included in edition no. 9714 Publisher: Pulcinoelefante.

AdaamArtStudio_41 el rid.jpg Op.41
Enamels on canvas cm.45x35

Beppe_Marchetti_36.jpg Op.36 ✨
Enamels on canvas 89x62

Beppe_Marchetti_19_13_60x80.jpg Op.19
Enamels on canvas cm.80x60

AdaamArtStudio_20_13_70x70.jpg Op.20
Enamels on cavas cm.70x70

Beppe_Marchetti_op2_aris.jpg Op.2
Graphite enamel, on canvas cm.70x50 ✨

Beppe_Marchetti_30.jpg Op.30
Title: Fragment.
Work composed of 20 small panels, then included in edition no. 9178 of Pulcinoelefante (Osnago-LC).



AdaamArtStudio_op42_1.jpg Op.42
Enamels on canvas cm.40x30

Beppe_Marchetti_op15-70x70_2010.jpg Op.15
Enamels on canvas cm.70x70


AdaamArtStudio_Op3.jpg Op.3
Enamels on canvas cm.70x50 

AdaamArtStudio_op40_2022.jpg Op.40
Enamels on canvas cm.80x60